
A hands on approach to correct structural imbalances and reduce pain. Osteopaths assess movement, treat and prevent a broad range of health care problems through reducing pain, improving mobility and allowing the body to heal. To help in the diagnosis and treatment of:
Muscular and joint pain (neck, shoulder, back as well as the lower extremities)
Nerve pain (sciatica)
Postural related pain and dysfunction – Treating the cause of our daily aches and compensations related to our working/ repetitive posture.
Acute and chronic pain syndromes
Sporting related injuries

Running and Movement Analysis
This is suitable for walkers as well as club runners looking for their next personal best. Running or walking is analysed on a treadmill- looking at the whole body and recording the movement pattern that is used through your typical gait. Dysfunctional patterns are highlighted and prescribed exercises are used to correct and establish long term efficient movements. The aim is to help runners gain improved power, endurance whilst reducing the likelihood of injury. ​
Shock Wave Therapy
Providing fast pain relief and increased mobility for a range of musculoskeletal conditions- Plantar Fasciitis, Myofascial Pain Syndrome, Chronic Tendinopathies, jumpers knee, Tennis Elbow, Hip pain. Shockwave is combined with a standard osteopathy session and exercise prescription to achieve the best outcome. As part of a treatment plan the actual number of sessions required will depend on the presenting condition. ​